Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

What is erectile dysfunction? Affecting as many as 30 million men, ED, or impotence, is one of the most common conditions that men report to their doctors. ED and sexual dysfunction treatment is available — Talk to your physician today.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, is the persistent inability to achieve and maintain an erection that is firm enough or lasts long enough to complete sexual intercourse. It is estimated that impotence affects about 1 in 10 men at some point in their life. And, while ED is a common condition, it is not a normal part of aging.

ED affects about 1 in 10 men at some point in their life.

The occasional failure to achieve or maintain an erection due to factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, extreme fatigue or severe stress is common for most men at some point in their lives.

Persistent ED, however, is often a sign of an underlying health condition that should be addressed with your physician. The good news is that almost every case of ED is treatable and your therapy will be tailed to your needs.

Erectile Dysfunction is not just a part of the aging process, nor is it normal for a man to lose his erectile function as a result of getting older.

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

In most cases, ED is caused by an underlying medical condition that should be addressed by a physician.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

Men experiencing erectile dysfunction have choices when it comes to effective treatments. There are a wide variety of treatment options available and your urologist will work with you to find just the right one for you. Dr. Weinberg will discuss the various treatments and answer any questions you may have about the benefits of each option, as well as side effects.

Men experiencing serious and prolonged sexual dysfunction, who have not had success with other treatments or cannot handle the side effects of oral treatments, may be good candidates for surgical treatments such as penile implants.

Dr. Weinberg will discuss the various treatments and answer any questions you may have about the benefits of each option, as well as side effects.

By talking to Dr. Weinberg candidly about your erectile dysfunction and medical history, you will be able to find a treatment option that works best for you. Get started on the road to a more active, spontaneous, and satisfying sex life by booking an appointment today.


White Glove
Concierge Service

Dr. Weinberg sees patients from the greater Baltimore and Washington, D.C. areas as well as around the Mid-Atlantic region and the country. If needed, our team will assist you in coordinating pre-operative, operative, and post-operative appointments.