What is Penile Implant Surgery?

A penile prosthesis, or implant, is a viable option for men when other treatments for erectile dysfunction or Peyronie’s disease have been unsuccessful or caused unwelcome side effects. In fact, many men are choosing penile prosthesis as a first line treatment for ED, skipping medications and other therapies in favor of this life-changing surgery. Penile implants have been in use for more than three decades and new designs and surgical techniques utilized by our surgeons have made implant surgery even more successful for patients.

Placement of a penile implant is a minimally invasive surgical procedure with very high success and satisfaction rates among men and their partners. Worldwide, more than 300,000 men have experienced the benefits of penile implants. These penile implant procedures can restore men’s sexual lives, vitality, intimacy, and self-confidence.

What are the Different Types of Implants?

There are generally two types of penile implants: inflatable and semi-rigid. The inflatable implant is the most common and offers men many benefits.

A Semi-Rigid implant is a pliable rod, which remains firm at all times. The patient uses the device by bending the penis away from the body to create an erection and bending it back toward the body to conceal.

The Three-Piece Inflatable implant has a pump that is inserted into the scrotum, a reservoir which is inserted in the pelvis/abdominal area, and two inflatable cylinders placed into the shaft of the penis. The patient uses the pump to transfer a saline solution from the reservoir to the inflatable cylinders in order to create an erection. The same pump is used to deflate the implant. Two- and three-piece inflatable penile implants are the most common types.

How is Penile Implant Surgery Performed?

Dr. Weinberg performs what is called peno-scrotal and infra-pubic surgical techniques with a “no-touch” approach to the penile implant surgery.

  • In the peno-scrotal approach, Dr. Weinberg makes an incision underneath the penis to place the three-pieces of the prosthesis. The placement of the pump in this technique is typically more direct.
  • The infra-pubic approach involves a small incision in the pelvic area directly above the penis. Because there is no scrotal incision in this method, pump manipulation of the implant may begin sooner than with a scrotal approach and the surgery usually takes less time than a peno-scrotal approach
  • “No Touch” refers to the way the implant procedure is performed to minimize the occurrence of infection. Dr. Weinberg inserts the penile implant without touching the skin to reduce the incidence of post-surgical infection.

It is important to know that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Every man is unique. Dr. Weinberg will help you choose the optimal method based on your anatomy, surgical history, and individual needs for the very best outcomes.

What is the Recovery like After the Penile Implant Surgery?

Our patients are usually back to work within one-week post-surgery, can exercise after two weeks, and resume sexual activity about four weeks post-surgery. Our patients do remarkably well in their recovery and report that their confidence and sexual vitality is back and even better than before.

Penile implant surgery is a same-day, outpatient procedure. For out-of-state patients, we offer a variety of places to stay in the area. It is recommended that out-of-town patients remain in the area at least two to three days post-surgery to ensure optimal recovery.

You will schedule a post-operative follow-up with Dr. Weinberg four to six weeks after your surgery. You can also book a telehealth appointments for your follow-up and to address any issues or concerns you may have during your recovery period.

How Long Does the Penile Prosthesis Last?

While the life expectancy of an implant is as unique as the man himself, in general, penile implants last 10 to 15 years. Some men will require a replacement sooner while others can go close to 20 years before a prosthetic replacement is needed.

A penile implant can be removed if an infection occurs or if the implant fails. Thanks to advances in the mechanics of the implants and surgical techniques, penile implants are more effective than ever before and infection rates have dramatically increased.

Could a penile implant be right for you? Book an appointment to learn more today.